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Info About This Tab
Artist: Once Nothing
Tab Type: Guitar
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hey, this is Whiskey Breath by Once Nothing, i figure this whole song out by ear, so if
wrong, i dont really care, it sounds right to me. No one else tabbed it, so i'm doing it
it's right or wrong.
This is tabbed by Brad Runevitch
Tunning: Drop C (CGCFAD)

Whiskey Breath

* = palm mute
b = bend
b^ = bend up
x = strum strings w/o hitting a fret
<#> = harmonic where u put ur finger right on top of the bar of that fret
h = hammer on
p = pull off
~ = let note ring

(guitar alone)--(Beginning 0:00-0:27------------------------|
F|----------|:-----------------------7-7-0-7-7-7------------| (you can figure
C|-2-2-X-XX-|:-2-----2-XXX-----2-XXX-5-5-0-7-7-7-2-X-XXX----|  out the beat)
     ^^^^                           ^^^^^
(just at beginning)| (repeat part inbetween colons 4 times)

(do this at the end of the 4th time)
|---------| (this is when he says: "and tastes like alcohol")


|-22-----------------------22-------------7777-8-7-5-| (play 3 times)

(at the end of the third time, play this)
  *   *   *

|-0~--------| (let note ring)

(while guitar 1 is playing that open note, guitar 2 plays this in background)
(repeat a few times, not sure how many)
|--------------------------------| |---------------------------| (this beat is
|--------------------------------| |---------------------------|  a little bit
|--------------------------------| |---------------------------|  confusing but
|-0000-0000---0000-0000-000-0000-| |-0-------------------------|  im sure u can
|-0000-0000---0000-0000-000-0000-| |-0-------------------------|  figure it out)
|-0000-0000---0000-0000-000-0000-| |-0-(quick stop at end)-----|
  **** ****   **** **** *** ****

(then both guitars play this together) (1:28-1:40)
|-0000-0000---0000-0000-| (play this 4 times)
  **** ****   **** ****

(guitar 1 plays this) (1:41-1:54)
|-----------------------------------------| (repeat this 8 times)

(guitar 2 harmonizes w/ guitar 1 and plays this at the same time)
(also 1:41-1:54)
|-----------------------------------------| (repeat this 8 times)

(then guitar 1 still repeats this)
|-----------------------------------------| (repeat this 8 times)

(guitar 2 plays this behind guitar 1 from 1:55-2:08)
|-----------------------| (play this 2 times)
  **** ****   **** ****

|---------------------------| (play this the last 4 times)
|-0000~-0000~---0000~-0000~-| (let last note ring each time)
  ****  ****    ****  ****
(that is what u play 8 times total from 1:55-2:08)

(then both guitars play this)
|-----------------------| (play this 4 times)
  **** ****   **** ****

|-0~--------| (let note ring)

(guitar 1 plays this over guitar 2 from 2:22-2:33)
|---------------------------------(play 3 times)-|
  * * * *** ***    **    *

(play this one time, for a total of 4 times)
                         * * *

(both guitars play this now from 2:33-2:55)
|---------------------------------(play 3 times)-|
  * * * *** ***    **    *

(play this one time, for a total of 4 times)
---------------------------------| (play through that whole settup 2 times,
-------------------------------0-|  so that'd be 8 times if u counted it
-------------------------------0-|  singley, or just play till 2:55)
                         * * *
(2:55-2:58)                   (2:55-2:58)
|-----------|                |----------|
|-----------|                |----------| (other guitar does pick slides
|-----------|                |-////////-|  down the 3rd and 4th string over
|-0~--------| (let note ring)|-////////-|  the 1st guitar part)
|-0~--------|                |----------|
|-0~--------|                |----------|

(then both guitars play this from 2:59-3:43)
  **  * * * * * *      * * *   * *

  **  * * *                 * * * * * *

  **  * * * * * *      * * *   * *

  **  * * *                 * * * * * *

  **  * * * * * *      * * *   * *

  **  * * *                 * * * * * *

  **  * * * * * *      * * *   * *

  **  * * *                 * * * * * *         * *         *********

  * *  8 *** *** * *** *** *  **** *

  ***  * *** ***   *** ***  *** *** **** *

  * *  * *** *** * *** *** *  **** *

  ***  * *** ***   *** ***  *** *** **** *

|-00--0-00--0-00--0-00--0----(not a pinch harmonic)---------|
|-00--0-00--0-00--0-00--0-<5>/\/\/\/\(wiggle w/ whammy bar)-|
  **  * **  * **  * **  *

|-00--0-00--0-00--0-00--0-<5>////(raise w/ whammy bar)-|
  **  * **  * **  * **  *

  * *  * *** *** * *** *** *  **** *

  ***  * *** ***   *** ***  *** *** **** *         * *

|-00000000-<5>\\\\\ (dive w/ whammy bar)-|

|----------------------------------------------------| (play 4 times)

(end on an extra:)

well that's it! that's the whole song, again, i learned this whole song by ear so if
wrong w/e, then good for you for noticing. i'd still like you to comment either way just to
what u guys think. lemme know if there's any song u guys would like me to post, just 
know in a comment. cya!! and good luck!

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song: whiskey breath guitar tabs by once nothing