(Lick 1) (Lick 2)
(Lick 3, Pinch Harmonics)
~ ~
* = slide up and down the neck
Main Melody
*Actually a pinched harmonic on the 12th fret, B string bent and released a
whole step.
The next part (the fast part) goes somewhat like this
High E String:
|--17 trill 20 -----||(t)22p17h20p17||---||(t)24p17h20p17||
The first of those 3 repeated licks involese tapping the 20th [8th] fret
(I do it an octave lower on my strat 'cause i only have 21 frets) with
your index finger (right hand) and pulling off to the 17th [5th] fret.
Then, with your pinky of the left hand hammer-on to 20 [8] and pull off
to 17 [5]. So, you are tapping and hammering on the same note. This allows
u to get it faster than usual. Then you move your right hand up 2 frets and
do that one 4-5 times and then move it up 2 more frets (just the right
hand still) and do that only 1-2 times. Sorry for the long explination,
but it's complicated.
I'll work on finishing this later