Tear Live - Smashing Pumpkins
Tabbed by:qzuiilw
Tuning:1/2 Step Down
There isn't a great deal to this song, guitar wise. It's the whole band that makes this
not just James and Billy,
I've just tabbed what i can hear without having to go into to much depth with stuff you
barely hear.
Pretty much this whole tab is James's section.Billy play the chords,there are 3 tabs of
chords on
this site already and all three seem pretty good.
The interlude or what ever that quite part is in the middle is Billy playing and James
with his awesome guitar and effects which I've tabbed out... once again if someone can
better than my
tab please e-mail me!
Piano intro 0:00 - 1:26
Intro:James 1:26 - 1:50
1:55 The Lights Came On Down
To Watch You Numb
2:33 James
3:06 both play chords
4:07James p.h
This goes on for ages and it's anothing one of those improvised jams the pumpkins do.
I've done as much as i can work out the symbols and percussion are to much.
can help me out that would be awesome send me an e-mail. Billy's part goes through the
whole part.
He just doesn't play the 17--19b part he repeats the 7-9-10-12-5
4:45 Massive piano solo interlude thing
5:12: Billy:
5:35: James
James: 5:46 5:52 6:11
|------------------------------- 8------10--|
|-------------------------------------------|This is the only part Billy plays
|---12h11--9/-7/-5~h7-----------------------|he then goes back to the intro chords
|---12h11--9/-7/-5~h7-----------------------| James plays the rest of this damn it
|---------------------9~--------------------| sounds awesome.
|--16~~16~~-16~~h19h16---------/20~~-20~~-20~~half 20bfull release slowly--20~~~-----------------|
7:26 The Lights Came On Fast Dead Opra Motor Crash Gone In A Flash Unreal
In Nitrus Over Pass
Back to the verse and Billy finishes on Em 2nd fret James on 8th to get that thick whole sound.
|(0) play softly " ghost notes "
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend
| # Hold
If you wish to ask questions or edit this please e-mail me to qzuiilw@hotmail.com any
e-mail me too !!