D E A T H - S Y M B O L I C
From the album SYMBOLIC
Copyright '95 THE ALL BLACKS
Version 3.0 - MAR '02
Transcribed by: Robin van der Harst
Version 3.0 by: death8699
For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact
death8699: at ArchEnemies@aol.com
Check Out Death8699.com, With More Transcriptions On It:
. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to ~ - vibrato
" - tremelo picking ( ) - ghost note
b - bend h - hammer-on
fb - full bend (1 step) p - pull-off
hb - half bend (1/2 step) r - release a bend
t - tapping ah - artificial harmonic
Tune Gtr to D [D,G,C,F,A,D]
--S Y M B O L I C--
[Riff A] [2tx]
^ . . ^ . . . ^ . .
[Play on 2nd time]
^ sl
[Riff A.1] [6tx]
sl^ . . ^ . . . ^ . .
[Riff B]
........ ............
--12-- [6tx]
........ ............
[Riff C] [6tx]
[-----------------------------|---------------------------] The second time
[-----------------------------|---------------------------] Gtr. 1 and 2
[*----------------------------|--------------------------*] harmonize last
[*-6----------/7-6------------|------7----7-6------------*] part by using
[--6---------sl----7~~~~~~~~~~|------7--------7-6---------] 5th's.
^ .... ^ [a.h.](only 6th time)
[Riff D] [4tx]
. . ^ . . . . . . . . . .
[Fill 1] [Riff E] [14tx]
^ . . . . . . . .
[Riff F] [6tx]
^ ^
[Solo I] (w/Riff F) ______________________
[-------------------------------| --Hold Bend-- |-------------]
[Staccatos = " . "]
[End Solo I]
[Fill 2] (" . " = Staccatos)
. ^
[Riff G]
...... ...... ^ ..................
--18-- [51/2tx]
...... ...... ..................
[Solo II] (w/Riff G)
[| --Hold bend-- |
. .
[End Solo II]
. . . . . . . . .
[Fill 3]
...... ...... ^ ^
repeat Intro [6tx]
repeat Section A [6tx]
repeat Section B [6tx]
repeat Section C [4tx]
repeat Chorus until fade out [reversed drums]
Check Out Death8699.com, With More Transcriptions On It: