"superstitous" by Europe
"Out Of This World"
-"A great song which you can impress people with (if you are able to handle the solo that is)"
Tabulated by: Flipmac Magnusson
p - pull off n.m - neck mike
h - hammering on
m - palm mute
x - mute with the left hand
a.h - arificial harmonic
s--> - slide uppwards
s--< - slide downwards
b - bend string
r - release
__16___ ___4___
| | | | or | | | | - 16ths notes
| | | | | - kvintoles
| | | | | | - sixth tripplets
and so on..
"Keap on walking that road and I folow, Keap on calling my name I be there
And if a mirror should break - it's easy to take
Deap down I know that you care.
Well I'm not superstitous."
figure 1
I'm not superstitous, I have now doubt that there's a reason how things turned out
b r p ~~
figure 2:
... well i keap this fealin' whit me all the way
s--< "And I want you to..." m m m m p
"..every day. All of the time" "so keap on.."
"..walking that road and i folow.."
m m m m
"Deap down I know that you care... well I'm not..."
~~~~~~~~ s----<
(figure 1 again)
"... tryin' to find out if love has gone.."
fill 2:
___6___ _______6________ _______6________
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
n.m. ~~~~ r ~~~~
figure 2, refrain.. then..
(first slide down the neck)
"I'm not superstitouuuuusss....." , joey howls
H P p p
~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ P P ~~~~
|13--10---------------------------|----------------------- 18-------|
p ~~~~ ~~~~
r p ~~~~ H P P ~~~~
_4__ ______5______ __________8___________ _________8____________
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
___________9___________ ___________9_____________
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
__________9_____________ ___________9____________
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
~~~~ ~~~~ h p
______6______ _______6_______
|| | | | | | | | | | | p
Now there is a litle calmer part with some keybord and bass-slapping. then..
"we'll gonna make it, thats what we'll do.."
___16__ ___16__ __16th_ ___16__ ___16__
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h p
| | s--< s-> s------|
Ref again
and figure 1 as outro... end
If you have any sugestions or whatever send to: flipmac@spray.se