Info About This Tab
Artist: Sick Puppies Tab Type: Guitar Difficulty: intermediate Tuning: Drop C
Song: So What I Lied
Artist: Sick Puppies
Album: Tri-Polar
Tuning: Drop C; CGCFAD
Most of the song is played by one guitar, but during the bridge, two guitars play together. Enjoy!
Legend: / slide up \ slide down b bend r return from bend
x scratch note . palm mute ~ hold out note
Intro/Verse 1 x4
Chorus 1
Verse 2 (In the song it's played x1, but it also works if you play it x2)
Chorus 2
Before the bridge, the bass plays for a bit.
Guitar 1 (w/ flanger and chorus
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Verse 3 x3
Chorus 3
. .
. . . . .
That's it! Enjoy, because this is an awesome song!!!
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