From the Album: SOULLESS
Copyright: Century Media 1994
Version 1.0 - October 2001
Transcribed by: James Williams (Inverted)
For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact
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. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to ~ - vibrato
h - hammer on b - bend
p - pull off Suffixes for bend ^
ph - pinched harmonic f - full bend h - half bend
* - see comment r - release t - tap bend
X - Stuccatto ~ - vibrato bend q - quarter bend
, - slight palm mute () - ghost note, sustained note
Tune Guitar to "B"E"A"D"F#"D"
Intro (Bass Line)
(Gtr + Reverb)
Fill 1
pm . . .
Riff 1
Fill 2
Riff 2 - A
Note*(Riffs 2-B and 2-C are played toward the
middle of the song. See song structure.)
Riff 2 - B
pm . . . . .
Riff 2 - C
Riff 3
Lead 1
Lead 2 x1 x3
-> x1
Riff 4 - A
pm ........ ........ ........
Riff 4 - B
pm ........ ........ ........
Song ends on a E5 power chord. Divebomb the hell out of the
tromolo bar til the strings go limp.( I sure do hope you have
a Floyd Rose.)
Song Stucture:
Fill ( 1 ) x 1
Riff ( 1 ) x 1
Fill ( 1 ) x 1
Riff ( 1 ) x 1
Riff (2-A) x 12
Riff ( 3 ) x 2 Gtr I
Lead ( 1 ) x 2 Gtr II
Riff ( 2 ) x 8
Riff ( 3 ) x 2 Gtr I
Lead ( 1 ) x 2 Gtr II
Lead ( 2 ) x 1
Riff ( 4 ) x 8
Riff (2-A) x 4
Riff (2-B) x 4
Riff (2-C) x 5
Riff ( 3 ) x 2 Gtr I
Lead ( 1 ) x 1 Gtr II
Lead ( 2 ) x 1
Check out my other tabs by Grave, Hypocrisy and Obituary.