Info About This Tab
Artist: Guns N Roses Tab Type: Guitar
Artist: Guns N Roses
Song: Rocket Queen
Email: tony_burr@hotmail.com
Main Riff:
2 first verses riff:
If I say I don't need an-y-one, I can say these things to you
'Cause I can turn on an-y-one just like I turned on you
I've got a tongue like a ra - zor , a sweet switch blade knife
And I can do you favours then you'll do what-ev-er I like...
Chorus Riff:
Chorus again, then:
Last verse, cool riff:
Power Chord progression in the last Riff: E5 B5 C#5 E5 A5 B5
/ slide down \ slide up h hammer-on p pull-off ~ left-hand vibrato
b full bend hb half bend qb quarter bend * dead note
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