Title Rebellion
Artist Grave Digger
Album Tunes Of War
tabbed by ShadowBlade_69
comments etc. ShadowBlade_69@yahoo.com
Easy song, my first tab. Play with lots of mid. If you
tab the whole solo, mail it to me.
h hammer on
p pull off
. palm mute
~ vibrato
b bend
r release bend
\ slide down
/ slide up
Intro (clean)
Repeat 7 times
"The clans...
last time
Continued Intro
........................ . .
Riff 1
........................ . .
"You must know...
........................ . .
. . . . . . . . . .
"The clans...
Riff 2
. . a.h.
Riff 3
. . . . . . . . . . .
and here's an idea of how the solo should be played