Info About This Tab
Artist: Abyssos Tab Type: Guitar Difficulty: advanced
Album:Fhinistian Nightbreed
Song:Queen Coveren In Black
Tab By:Rob Vargo(SauronSatan666@hotmail.com)
I play along with all the songs I ever tab..so play along for the crisp timing, and enjoy another Abyssos Masterpiece
Use WinAmp and slide the sound to 1 speaker to hear the different Guitars better.
Guitar:L=Left Speaker
Guitar:R=Right Speaker
Riff:1 2x 0:00 Play In Order 12345
Guitar:L 1/2/4 3/5
Riff:2 2x 0:28
Riff:3 2x 0:45
Both Guitars
Play Riff:2 2x 0:55
Fill:1 1:14
Both Guitars
Riff:4 2x 1:16
Both Guitars
Play Fill:1 1:24
Play Riff:4 2x 1:27
Play Fill:1 1:35
Play Riff:4 2x 1:38
Play Fill:1 1:47
Riff:5 2x 2:01 Tremlo this riff.Ignore the spacing i did that only to line up the two guitars. Listin for timing
Riff:6 2x 2:26
Play Riff:5 2x 2:38
Riff:7 2x 3:04
Guitar:L Continue
Guitar:L Continued
Both Guitars
Riff:8 2x 3:36 C-9
Guitar:L the G-7 is played first time only than use 10
Riff:9 2x 3:50
Both Guitars
Solo 4:21 4:36
Guitar:L 2x Continue
||Guitar:L 4:51 Continued 2x
||Guitar:2 2x
Riff:10 Tremlo this riff 5:06
Play Riff:6 2x 5:27
Play Riff:5 2x 5:39
Both Guitars 6:04
Riff:11 4x 6:08
Guitar:L 2nd/4th time end with ending 2 Ending 1 Ending 2
||Guitar:R play ending 2 2nd/3rd time Ending 1 Ending 2
Play Riff:3 2x 6:31
Play Riff:2 2x 6:43
Play Fill:1 7:01
Play Riff:4 2x 7:03
Play Fill:1 7:12
Play Riff:4 2x 7:15
Play Fill:1 7:24
Play Riff:4 2x 7:26
Play Fill:1 7:35
Riff:12 2x 7:38
Play Riff:7 2x 8:00
Go in to riff 8 with Fill:2
Fill:2 8:28
Play Riff:8 2x 8:30
Play Riff:9 1 and 3/4x 8:43 listin for exact change point and end with ending
Ending 8:55
Both Guitars
Questions/Comments Email SauronSatan666@Hotmail.com
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