SR 71
Politically Incorrect
--0--0--0-0-0-0--0--x-0-0-0-2--2--2-2-2-2--2--x-2-2-2-2----------------------- x2
--0---0-0--0-0--0---0-0--0-0--2---2-2--2-2----2---------2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---- x1
Play this along with the above chords:
The bass plays G F# E C, and the guitar plays this:
After the above is played this is played with the first 3 chords
"so impressing while......"
Then chorus is played and then this transition is played:
This is played with the below chords:
This rythm is played after:
"what happened to make us...."
This is played after that: "I saw blazing saddles yesterday"
This ones a little confusing to read, but Im sure if you listen to the song you
can pick out whats what.