Rush: Oracle: The Dream
>From the album 2112 (Mercury Records)
Copyright 1976 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lee and Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart
Comments/corrections to Sean Jones
Transcribed by Sean Jones
q e e e e q
Q e h q e e e e e e Q e h q e e e e q Q e Q s s q e
e e e q Q e q q h+e e q h+e e q h+e e q q^q^q^q q
Q q e q Q q e q Q q e q q^q^q^q q q q q q e e
e e q Q e h q e e e e s s E Q e Q s s q e e e e e e Q e
h q e e e e s s E Q e Q s s q e e e e e e Q e Q e q
e e e e s s E Q e Q e h+e e q Q+q e q q e e+h+ w
---------- ----------
----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost Note
---------- ----------
----5p8--- Pulloff ----------
---------- ----------
----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead Note
---------- ----------
----5\8--- Slide Down ----------
---------- ||------|| Repeat Start & End
----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*||
---------- ||*----*||
---------- ||------||
w = whole note W = dotted whole
h = half note H = dotted half
q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter
e = eighth note E = dotted eighth
s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth
^ = triplet
== Created with a demo version of BUCKET O' TAB ==
== tablature creation software for Windows ==
== For more info email ==