Info About This Tab
Artist: Between The Buried And Me Tab Type: Guitar
Band: Between The Buried And Me
Song: Mordecai
Album: The Silent Circus
Track: 4
Tuning: C# standard (C#, F#, B, E, Ab, C#)
Transcribed by: Cory Brown (Obswalq), Matt Oien (riffer_03), and Beelzebozo.
Copyright © Victory Records 2003
Version 2.3 - September 12, 2004
This is for guitar 1 (Paul Waggoner's part).
I will put guitar 2 on here when I have the time.
Tab legend:
. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to ~ - vibrato
h - hammer on b - Bend
p - pull off Suffixes for bend
t - tap f - full bend h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic q - quarter bend t - tap bend
* - see comment ^ - Hold bend r release bend
x - Stuccatto ~ - vibrato bend
, - slight palm mute [] - ghost note, sustained note
() - tremolo note <> - Trill
pm. pm. pm.
pm. pm. pm. . . .
pm. pm. pm.
pm. pm. pm. . . .
pm. pm. pm.
pm. pm. pm. . . .
pm. pm. pm.
pm. pm. pm. . . .
3x (last time, hold the C)
(Haven't figured this part out, yet.)
(This part is played clean, and Matt Oien is correct.
I've confirmed this with several live videos.)
(Haven't figured this part out, yet. Tommy's keyboard samples get in the way.)
(Clean, melodic solo.)
(Continue this for awhile.)
(Ending solo.)
sweep pick....
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