By Rush
Transcribed by Jonathan Lippard and Sean Jones
Corrections by Lionel Gibauden
Any comments, questions, or corrections please contact Sean at
Revised 6-14-98
<* *>
w w w w Q Q q H+e s s Q q e q H e
||----4 mm.---||---|---|---|---||---------||----------|---------|---r---
e Q Q q H+e s s Q Q q w q e Q q q e Q q e e e Q q e
e e Q q H+e e q e Q q e e e Q q e e e Q q h h w H+e s
s h+e e e e H e e q e q e q H q Q Q q q q e Q q q
e Q q e e e Q q e e e Q q H+e e q e Q q e e e Q q e e e
Q q h h H e s s h+e s s e e H e e q e Q q H e s s h+
e Q w q e h+e Q q e q Q q e q w w w e s s e e s s e
e s s e e H e s s e q e e e w
Notes bracketed by <* *> should be played on a synth.
---------- ---------- ----t---
----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost ----6--- Tap
---------- ---------- Note --------
----5p8--- Pulloff ---------- --------
---------- ---------- -----p--
----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead -----7-- Pop
---------- ---------- Note --s-----
----5\8--- Slide Down ---------- --5----- Slap
---------- ||------|| Repeat --------
----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*|| ---5^--- Bend
---------- ||*----*|| --------
---------- ||------|| --------
---------- ---------- --------
-4:------- Time ---------- --------
-4:------- Signature ---------- --------
---------- ---------- --------
w = whole note W = dotted whole
h = half note H = dotted half
q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter
e = eighth note E = dotted eighth
s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth
t = 32nd note T = dotted 32nd
x = 64th note X = dotted 64th
^ = triplet
== Created with a demo version of BUCKET O' TAB ==
== tablature creation software for Windows ==
== For more info email ==