Our Lady Peace - "Lying Awake"
From "Happiness is not a fish that you can Catch"
Tuning - Eb
tabbed by jjhand
A simple OLP song, but it needs some guitar effects to get
it right. Solo is not bad, but not Mike Turner's best. Please
rate or comment.
Intro - Clean & Muted with reverb
Verses - play similarly 2x (a few extra strums before the prechorus)
add distortion
Prechorus - with dist & tremelo effect play 2x
Play Verse 1x
Play Prechorus again, then lead plays
Lead 'Synth'-sounding part, need guitar fx
Chorus Rhythm Part (Synth part is added every other bar)
|--------------------|-------------| play 2x
Play Verse Again, then Prechorus
Play Chorus again
Solo (2:34)
pick continuous
through bend
|--------------------| then play synth part & chorus 2x
|----TP all notes----|
End on single Eb5 chord (similar to Verse part)
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| b bend note
| r release bend
| TP tremelo pick (repeatedly)
| x Mute note, or random slide note if used with /x