Info About This Tab
Artist: Popa Chubby Tab Type: Guitar Difficulty: advanced
Let The Music Set You Free
(Popa Chubby « Deliveries After Dark» )
|--*string noise*--9---7--9------------0-------------------|
Solo 1 :
Wah effect
Solo 2 :
Wah effect
|--------------------------------15FB-LET RING--------------|
Next Riff 1 + Octaver effect
Guide to Tablature
b:1/4 bend
B:1/2 bend
FB:full bend
5FB5:bend and release
5FB5p0:bend, release and pull off
BR:bend released
h:hammer on
p:pull off
T:Trill (rapid alternation between 2 notes)
PM:Palm Muted
.:dotted note
X:note played with heavy damping
Let The Music Set You Free by Popa Chubby, as heard on the album Deliveries After Dark
Transcription: Frιdιric Winne
choko_tof@yahoo.fr http://www.brusselscityblues.fr.tc
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