Band- Tool
Song- Jerk Off
Drop D tuning.
Intro Rift 1
|------9\-----12\-|------------------------------| Play this a
|-----------------|*----------------------------*| bunch of times
Riff 1 (or play it like this if you like)
|-----------------------------| Play this a bunch
|*----2---3--2---2---3-2-----*| of times too.
Riff 2 (?X) Riff 3 (?X)
Riff 4
Riff 5
|-------------------------------| Play rifts 1, 2, 3,
|*-----------------------------*| 4 and 5 again. Then
|*-----------------------------*| play this:
Play this now.
(cont.) (6X)
|-----|--5-5-5--5-5-5-5--7-7-7--8-!-8-8-8--8-8-8-8--7-7-7--| Play rift 5
|-----|*-5-5-5--5-5-5-5--7-7-7--5-!-5-5-5--5-5-5-5--7-7-7-*| four times
|-1-3-|*-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--5-5-5--6-!-6-6-6--6-6-6-6--5-5-5-*| and then:
!End here 6th
!time around.
Riff 7
|-------------------------------------| After this play
|*-----------------------------------*| rift 5 again and
|*-----------------------------------*| then finish with: