from the album "March or Die" 1992
transcribed by Scott Andrews
Main Riff
3x 1x repeat
Half Time Middle Section
Ascending Chords:
E F F# G Ab A B B
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Solo in Ab Pentatonic Major
Main Riff : 5x
Chorus : 2x
Main Riff : 4x
Chorus : 2x
Solo (Main Riff : 7x)
Chorus : 1x
Solo (Half Time Middle Section : 8x)
Ascending Chords : 2x
Main Riff : 2x
Ending Eb
Bassicly the only thing i added up is the tunning and the repetions since i have to
them now And the scale for the solo i would have tabbed it but i cant find the exact notes
a solo yet.Hope you guys will like it.
Really nice job by Scott Andrews (thanks!)
-Maxime Vermette - metal_militia101@hotmail.com
- www.apocalypsa.tk