ok so this song has quite a weird tuning its : E tuned up to F
A tuned down to G
D tuned down to C
G tuned down to F
B tuned down to A
E tuned down to D
ok this is my first submission, please message me if you have any fixes or anything or
me at andrewfielding@hotmal.com
the beginning chords are:
|--2---------------0--| I'm sure you can work out the rythm.
| - - - - - - - - -|
-0--0--0-0-x-0-0-0--x-x----3-3-2-2-2-2--0-| repeat
| - - - - - - - - -|
lead guitar chorus: from the 2nd chorus, only difference i can make out is
the bit highlighted, and that goes
| - - - - - - - - -|
is notes are natural harmonics
| - |
| - |
----| play this the second time round
Note ^ all natural harminics ^ let ring throughout
Verse chords, again, just listen to the song, and work out the rythm
|-2--- -0-- -2-- -5-- -2--| |- fill ------------2-
|-3--- -1-- -3-- -7-- -3--| |-------------------3-|
|-4--- -0-- -2-- -6-- -2--| |-------------------4-| then repeat verse
|-4--- -2-- -0-- -4-- -0--| |-------------------4-|
|-2--- -3-- -0-- ---- -0--| |-------------------2-|
|----- ---- ---- ---- ----| |-----0-0-0-7-5-4-5---|
I havn't had a chance to work out the solo yet but will do, as soon as possible,
oh and by the way only the dramagods
version has the lead chorus part in it.
well it isn't perfect, but its how I play it, enjoy!