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Info About This Tab
Artist: Girlschool
Tab Type: Guitar
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			    FUTURE FLASH - Girlschool

Tabbed by: Anne Drury
Email: zerofret_ad@hotmail.com
Corrections to main riff by: Jason
Date:  May 18, 2005

Written by:  K. Johnson, K. McAuliffe
Album:  "Hit and Run"   (1981, Bronze Records/Re-issue on Castle, 2004)


h...hammer on
r...release bend
tp..tremolo pick
pm..palm mute
/...slide up
<>..pinch harmonic
x...dead note

-Tuning: Standard
-Bar lines are used to separate sections of music. They don't indicate
actual timing. The song is in 4/4 time.
-The song is in F# minor. Guitar solo parts are primarily in F# pentatonic
minor (some parts in F# minor).
-The tab of the guitar solo is a fairly loose rendering of the solo. Be
particularly wary of the fourth staff (measures 12-16 of the solo). "unin"
written on that staff means 'unintelligible', (meaning that I can't hear
exactly what the guitar is playing on that part).
-Play all chords as 5th chords.

(Figure 1 and Figure 2 are played together.)

Figure 1 - rhythm guitar

 E -----------------------------|          |----------------------------|
 B -----------------------------| Play     |----------------------------|
 G ------------------------2-4--|  3x,     |--------------------2-4-----|
 D ----2-4-2-4-4--x-x-x-x--2-4--| then:    |--2-4-2-4-4-4--x-x--2-4-----|
 A ----2-4-2-4-4--x-x-x-x--0-2--|          |--2-4-2-4-4-4--x-x--0-2-----|
 E ----0-2-0-2-2--x-x-x-x-------|          |--0-2-0-2-2-2--x-x----------|

Figure 2 - lead guitar

 E -------------------------------|        |----------------------------|
 B -------------------------------| Play   |----------------------------|
 G ------------------------2-4^w--|  3x,   |--------------------2-4^w---|
 D ----2-4-2-4-4--x-x-x-x--2------| then:  |--2-4-2-4-4-4--x-x--2-------|
 A ----2-4-2-4-4--x-x-x-x--0------|        |--2-4-2-4-4-4--x-x--0-------|
 E ----0-2-0-2-2--x-x-x-x---------|        |--0-2-0-2-2-2--x-x----------|

1st Verse:

Like a fish out of water
It's plain to see
??? (don't know lyric)

Play Figure 1 with above lyrics

D              C
Out to get you, out to get you

They're coming our way

D              C
Out to get you, out to get you

 E ------------------------------------------------------------|
 B -----5--4------7^wr(7)---------------------15^w-------------|
 G --2--------4-----------------9^sr(9)------------------------|
 D -------------------------7-------------9--------------------|
 A ------------------------------------------------------------|
 E ------------------------------------------------------------|

Rhythm guitar plays Figure 1
Lead guitar plays Figure 2

2nd Verse:

Don't believe what they tell you
It's only a lie
They've only one answer
Live and let die

Play Figure 1 with above lyrics

D              C
Out to get you, out to get you

They're coming our way

D              C                  A
Out to get you, out to get you


(palm mute these notes)

Play 4x

 E -----------------------------|
 B --------------3--------------|
 G -----2--1-----------1--2-----|
 D --0-------0------0-----------|
 A -----------------------------|
 E -----------------------------|

Figure 3   (p.m. these notes)
(1 meas.)                               (1 meas.)
 E ----------------------------|        |---------------------------|
 B --------------3-------------|Play    |---------------3-----------|Play
 G -----2--1-----------1--2----| 4x,    |-----2--1------------1--2--| 4x
 D --0-------0------0----------|then:   |--2--------2------2--------|
 A ----------------------------|        |---------------------------|
 E ----------------------------|        |---------------------------|

The 8 measure sequence above is played 3x.

Rock and roll renegades, an anti-bomb brigade
You won't get your answers talking to people in charge
They haven't got the right to make us feel sad
That's all I've got to say, the bomb will drop today

Play Figure 3 with above lyrics

During guitar solo, rhythm guitar plays Figure 1

Guitar solo:

For 1st note of staff below, play note repeatedly (as 16th notes), while
gradually bending up.
(4 measures)
 E -------|----------------------------------------------------|
 B -------|----------------------------------------------------|
 G --4^w--|--4^w-4^w-4^w-<4>^w-<4>^w-<4>^w-4^w-4^wr(4)p2-------|
 D -------|----------------------------------------------2-----|
 A -------|----------------------------------------------------|
 E -------|----------------------------------------------------|

For first 3 notes (double stops) of staff below, play notes repeatedly (as
16th notes).
(4 measures)
 E --------|--------------------------------------------------------------|
 B -7-9-10-|-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^w-12^wr(12)p10----|
 G -6-8-9--|-----------------------------------------------------------13-|
 D --------|--------------------------------------------------------------|
 A --------|--------------------------------------------------------------|
 E --------|--------------------------------------------------------------|

(4 measures)
 E -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
 B ----------12------12--12--12--12--12--12--12--12----14tp--17^w-17^w----|
 G -13-13-13----13-----13--13--13--13--13--13--13--13--13tp-------------2-|
 D -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
 A -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
 E -----------------------------------------------------------------------|

 (4 measures)
 E -------------------------------------|---------------------------------|
 B -------------------------------------|------------------ --5-7-5-------|
 G -----2-4^w-4-4^w---------------------|------2h4p2---2-/4-6-------6-9---|
 D -4-4-------------4-2-2h3h4-----------|--2h4-------4--------------------|
 A ---------------------------2-4-2-0-2-|---------------------------------|
 E -------------------(u-n-i-n)---------|--------------------(u-n-i-n)----|

(2 measures)
 E ------------------------------17------------------------------|
 B --17^w---17^w---17^w---17^w--------17---17^wr(17)-------------|
 G --------------------------------------------------------------|
 D --------------------------------------------------------------|
 A --------------------------------------------------------------|
 E --------------------------------------------------------------|

(4 measures)
 E --------------------------------------------------------------|
 B -14tr17-----------------------------------------------6^s/10--|
 G --------16^w-16-13tr16-16^w-16^wr(16)--7---4h7p4h7p4----------|
 D --------------------------------------------------------------|
 A --------------------------------------------------------------|
 E --------------------------------------------------------------|

3rd Verse:

They're taking us over
With no reasons why
But we shouldn't have to fight
Just to stay alive

Play Figure 1 with above lyrics

D              C
Out to get you, out to get you

They're coming our way

D              C
Out to get you, out to get you

 E ------------------------------------------------------------|
 B -----5--4------7^wr(7)---------------------20^w-------------|
 G --2--------2-----------------9^sr(9)------------------------|
 D -------------------------7-------------7--------------------|
 A ------------------------------------------------------------|
 E ------------------------------------------------------------|

Rhythm guitar plays Figure 1
Lead guitar plays Figure 2

(repeat and fade)


Ending when played live:

Rhythm guitar plays Figure 1

Lead guitar - play these octaves as 16th notes, each one is 1 measure
long, except for the last four which are half a measure each.
(damp D string with fret hand)

(8 measures)
 E ------------------------------------------------------------|
 B ------------------------------------------------------------|
 G ---4----5----6----8----9----11----13--14--16--18------------|
 x ------------------------------------------------------------|
 A ---2----3----4----6----7----9-----11--12--14--16------------|
 E ------------------------------------------------------------|

As in Fig. 1:

 E -----------------|
 B -----------------|
 G -----------------|
 D ----2-4-2-4-4----|
 A ----2-4-2-4-4----|
 E ----0-2-0-2-2----|


Alternate fingering for bridge


 E ----------------------------|
 B ----------------------------|
 G --------------7-------------|
 D -----7--6-----------6--7----|
 A --5--------5-----5----------|
 E ----------------------------|

Rock and roll renegades...

 E ----------------------------|    |--------------------------|
 B ----------------------------|    |--------------------------|
 G --------------7-------------|4x  |--------------7-----------|4x
 D -----7--6-----------6--7----|    |-----7--6-----------6--7--|
 A --5--------5-----5----------|    |--7--------7-----7--------|
 E ----------------------------|    |--------------------------|


(This file is the transcriber's own work and represents
their interpretation of the song.)

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song: future flash guitar tabs by girlschool