Title: Feed The Gods
Artist: Rob Zombie
Album: Past, Present & Future
Tuning: Drop D down 1 1/2 step
B F# B E G# C#
B Gb B E Ab Db
Tabbed By: Erich Wolf
Fast Picking
PM-------------------------------| Fast Picking
PM------------------| Don't quite remember how many times you palm mute but
it is easy to pick up.
Interlude: Guitar 1
PM----- ----- -----| Don't quite remember formation but you will get it
Interlude: Guitar 2
Use a wah and through in some bends,pings & scrapes and you will have it,
maybe a slide also.
Well that is pretty much it. He goes back and uses the same parts again
after interlude so just make sure you listen to see which part to use. I
know this tab is not 100% correct but it is pretty close. I have not seen
any tabs of this song on the web so I gave it my best shot to give people
a start. The intro is kinda hard to hear exactly what he is doing but I
think it is close. Hope you enjoy, email me if you figure out something
different or just want to add a part on to song. ejw_shadow20@yahoo.com