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Artist: Alexander Yegorovich Varlamov
Tab Type: Guitar
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                    * Aleksander Michailovich Ivanov-Kramskoy *

                 on theme of romance "Do Not Wake Her Up at Dawn",
                              written by Varlamov


 |  - quarter note           |p|                          II, V, VII... - Barre
                           --3=2-- - legato (pull-off)
 |. - dotted quarter note    ___                          [p] - expression
 __                          |h|
 |  - eight note           --2=3-- - legato (hammer-on)  <<<< - creschendo
 |  - sixteenth note          >                     arp. - to play arpeggiately
  } - quarter rest          --1--  - accent       3==(3) - tie

 `/ - eight rest            ==3==                 --t5-- - tremolo
                            | | |                      
 fl. - natural harmonic   --2-2-2-- - triplet       ==== - sustain
 poco a poco rall. - getting gradually slower         ||   ||
            accel. - getting faster                   ||* *|| - reprise 
           fermata - to hold as long as desired       ||* *||
              rit. - getting slower                   ||   ||


Andante espressivo
Key: Am

             ___   _____     ___   _____     ___   _____  
             |h|   | |h|     | |   | | |     | |   | | |   |.      |.
                           |.      |.      |.      |.        | |   | | |
            [p]    <<<<<           >>>>>          <<<<<<     ---   -----

                __  _____                     >__     >__     ___
                |   | | |   |.                | |     | |     | |   II
                                                                    4 2 2
           [mf]     <<<<<<                  [mf]            >>>>>>

                ___   _____   _____             ___   _____   _____
                | |   | | |   | | |   |.        | |   | | |   | | |   |.
                2       4     1 2     1         1 4   1       4 2     1 2
                <<<<<<<<<<<<<<       >>>>>>>>         2       3       3

                                                            _________ ________
      ___   _____   ===____             ___   _____   _____ |1.      ||2. Piu
      | |   | | |   |p| | |   |.        | |   | | |   | | | |  V     ||   mosso
    3 1 4   1 4     4 1   2   1 2       2 4   4 1 2   4 3 3   3 2         3 1
            3                                                             2 3
           <<<<<<<  >>>>>>>                                           [p]

                        >==__       >==__       >==__    >   
                        | | |       | | |       | | |    |.
                     |. 4           2 1 1                |  |  |
                        3           3 3 3                -------
                                                         4  2  3


                     3  4        3  1   4    3    4 1    3  2


                                         _____       >==__
                                      II |   |       | | |  
                                         4   4    |. 2 1
                         [p]             2   3

                 3 2         3 2                     3 2

                                                      Tempo primo
                                                      ___   _____________     
                                 fl.                  | |   |     |     |      
     2 3         2 3 1                                  1   |.    | | | | | |
                                                     [p]    1     ==3== ==3==
                                                                  2     4

  _____________                                 ______       _____________      
V |     |     |       II                  VII   |    |       |     |     | 
  |.          4       |     |     |                   4
  4                   -------------            [mf]
                      4     2

             _____________                                 _______
             |     |     |       |. III                    |     |
             4                   |   |     |         |.
             1                   -------------
                                 2   3     4

               _____________       ====________                         
              |     |     |       |p | |     |       |. II              
                                  4    3 2 1 1   2   |     |     |
                     _______      _____________       _____________
                    |     |       |     |     |       |     |     |
               1           2       4     4                   4

              Piu mosso


                      _____       >==__
                   II |   |       |p| |            fl.         fl.         fl.
                   |      |    |. 4   4        2   4       2   4       2   4 
                          --      3            1           1           1
                    <<<<<<<<<  [f]

                         rit.                           fermata                 
                       1 2 3       2 1 3

           a tempo
           [p] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<     3

                           |p| | |                   rit.
                                                       >>>>>>>>>> [p]


               |  |   |     |   |    |                      |   |   |
               --------     ----------                      ---->--->
                  1 4 1 4   1 4 1 4

                                            III           VIII
                <<<<<<<<<                       2 4          >>>>>>>>

                           ___________      ====______     ==3== >=3== >=3==
                           |    |    |      |  |  |  | VII | | | | | | | | |       
             <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   4    4  2  1  2     4 3  >>>>>>>>>>>

                                                       3 1 3 1 

                  4 3

                                            poco a poco rall.

               [mf]                         |   |   |     |   |   |
                                            ---->----     ---------
          >____         ____==                            >>>>>>>>>>>>
          |   |         |.   |    arp
      |. [sf]       |. [sf] [pp]

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song: do not wake her at dawn guitar tabs by alexander yegorovich varlamov