Info About This Tab
Artist: Avenged Sevenfold Tab Type: Guitar
In Drop D Tuning
Figured this all out by ear, probably a few mistakes in it but it sounds about right to me
Rhythm Guitar X8
Lead Guitar (with wah) X2
Pre Verse
Verse (Palm Mute all opens apart from the one on the first bar or the 4+)
Pre Chorus
Both Guitars
|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|---(DRUM FILL)---|
Chorus X2
Both Guitars (Palm Mute Bottom String)
Pre Verse
Pre Chorus
Solo X2
All notes tremelo picked in this section
Rhythm is the palm mute section in the chorus
Bridge (Palm Mute the first four notes of each bar) X2
Build up section
Zackys Lead bit
Dual type bit (Rhythm D5,C5,F5,G5,D5,A5,Bb5,C5 - One bar on each)
t=tremelo pick
dive bomb (push whammy down before you play note then bring it up
you have played the harmonics)
Pre Verse
Pre Chorus
Let open ring for 8 bars
Dive bomb on the 7th bar on 5 on G
Clean Part X3(I think that one guitar just plays the bass notes but ive tabbed it out all together
Play these 2 bars Twice
Play Solo Rhythm X8
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