Hey! I'd been waiting for this song to appear here for ages but as it never did, i tried
myself. This is my best interpretation of my favourite Kina song. I recommend you keep
index and ring finger on the G and B strings and let your other 2 move around to
the other strings.
This is based on the youtube version not the album version.
Bye! xxx
Oh and comment corrections please!
DELICATE - Kina Grannis
Tabbed by: Kate youtube.com/kateyotcha
Capo: 1 (maybe. i think. i cant be sure, correct me)
Repeat this throughout the whole song.
Then strum D/F# and G hammering on and off the G string.
Hope this helps you out a bit
You said, "Be careful, it's delicate, things can just crumble apart."
But it's not the same for me
It's not the same for me
So I kept treading so carelessly
Thin lines that splintered my ground
But I closed my eyes to them
I closed my eyes to them
How did you know that I couldn't be what everyone wanted me to be?
And how did you know that I wouldn't see when everything falls away from me?
When everything falls away from me
One day I woke in the rubble
Knee-deep in damage I'd done
And I was ashamed of it
How did it come to this?
How did you know that I couldn't be what everyone wanted me to be?
And how did you know that I wouldn't see when everything falls away from me?
When everything falls away from me
When everything falls away from me
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend