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Info About This Tab
Artist: Teddyloid
Tab Type: Bass
Difficulty: novice
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Credit goes to Dorthu at http://dorthu.livejournal.com/102776.html
Tabbed this out the other day. I was looking to post it on an anime tab site, but they 
never sent me a validation email...so...yeah. No luck there. Wanted to post it online 
somewhere before I forgot. Feel free to repost anywhere.

Song's D-City Rock (Anarchy) by TeddyLoid feat. Debra Zeer from the amazing anime Panty 
& Stocking with Garterbelt (full song + video in episode 10, it's awesome).


G | ---------------------------------- |
D |*----------------------------------*|
A |*---------555555556666666688888888-*|
E | -66666666------------------------- |

"Garterbelt.." & Chorus........___________________________________
...............................|all others | right before chorus
G | -------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
D |*----------7-7-7-7-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-*| ------------------*|
A |*--8-8-8-85-5-5-5-6-6-6-6-8--8--8--8---*| ------------------*|
E | -6-6-6-6------------------------------ | ------------------ |

Guitar solo (listen for rhythem)

G | ------------------------------------------- |
D |*-----------7-7-77-7-8-8-88-8-10-10-1010-10-*|
A |*--8-8-88-85-5-5--5-6-6-6--6-8--8--8----8---*|
E | -6-6-6--6---------------------------------- |


G | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
A | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
E | -6-------5-------3-------1-------1-------1------3------5------ |

The order of everything is pretty obvious if you listen to it. The second F on the 
bridge isn't right; I'm pretty sure they're playing an Eb (or maybe D), but I didn't feel 
like retuning my bass or changing the entire tab for it. The F works.
Tags: bass, bass tabs

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song: d city rock anarchy bass tabs by teddyloid