A bit of "Custard Pie"
---0-0-0-0-0-0-0--|---0---0------------| Repeat several times
------------------|-----3--------------| and then:
Then repeat the first some more(listen to the song for clarification)
Another verse:
Custard Pie - Led Zeppelin
/ x Slide up to x
\ x Slide down to x
(x ^ y) Bend up, from x to y if notes are in pasenthesises
(x v y) Bend down, from x to y they are hit once
([x] ^ y) Play y bent, [don't play x]
(x - y) Pull off from x to y
(x + y) Hammer-on from x to y
~~x,y Trill x and y
~~~x Wiggle note
^~~x Play note x bent and wiggle
D D C#C C B A#
E Gsus F G