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the red jumpsuit apparatus
the red paintings
the red shore
the red sun band
the red thread
the redwalls
the republic tigers
the restarts
the returnables
the rezillos
the richmond sluts
the rifles
the ringers
the riot before
the robot ate me
the rock and roll machine
the rock n roll worship circus
the rocky fortune
the rosebuds
the rumble strips
the runaway boys
the sainte catherines
the scaries
the scarlet gospel
the scene aesthetic
the script
the seatbelts
the secret stars
the seeds
the seekers
the send
the senseless
the september when
the shagn wagons
the shaky hands
the sheer
the shenanigans
the shods
the showdown
the shys
the sigit
the silents
the simpsons
the sleeping
the slip
the snake the cross the crown
the sorrow
the sound
the sound explosion
the sound of animals fighting
the sound of reason
the sounds
the soviettes
the spazzys
the speaks
the spinto band
the spirit that guides us
the spookshow
the staple singers
the stooges
the stunning
the stupids
the styles
the submarines
the subsonics
the subtle way
the suburbs
the subways
the suffrajets
the sugarhill gang
the sugars
the suicide file
the summer obsession
the sunless year
the sunpilots
the sunshine underground
the surf coasters
the swamp donkey
the swellers
the sword
the tall poppies
the tears
the teen idles
the teenage idols
the tellers
the tenants
the the
the thermals
the three torches
the thunderlords
the timeout drawer
the times
the ting tings
the tokens
the tossers
the tough alliance
the traveling wilburys
the trax
the trews
the truth about moviestars
the tunguska event
the tutts
the twenty twos
the twilight sad
the twilight singers
the ugly ducklings
the ultra cheesy flubbed up nuclear cheesballs
the unband
the undead
the unforgiven
the unlovables
the upper room
the upsetters
the van jets
the vandelles
the vanished
the varsity
the vasco era
the veils
the veins
the velisha
the veronicas
the vicious five
the view
the village green
the villains
the vincent black shadow
the virgins
the voids
the waithering
the waking eyes
the walker brothers
the warlocks
the warriors
the weather girls
the weather machine
the wedding
the wedding present
the weepies
the welch boys
the western states motel
the whip
the white room
the whitest boy alive
the wiggles
the wohlstandskinder
the wolfetones
the wombats
the wombles
the wonder stuff


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