This song...For some reason I accidentally figured out
lol..IT was a lot of work and I would appreciate it if
for this one you let people know about it...Thank you!
Esteban - Amazing Grace FINGERPICK IT
Tabbed By: (Esteban Mega Fansite)
TREMELO!!!!!! PLEASE READ THIS!!!...In order to play correctly!
In order to play it the advanced way please play every
chord that has this symbol " Þ " next to the chord
as a tremelo...The first chord is shown to you just
in case you do not know what a tremelo is! You'll have
to listen to the song of course to play it exactly!
-----Main Verse-----
Any questions or comments? Let me know! Even something
just nice and cool to say lol.......just e-mail me =D...
(Are you a Fan of Esteban? Check out
for more cool tabs like this!!!)
Love Everyone,
Sean Andresen