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Info About This Tab
Artist: Mourning Beloveth
Tab Type: Guitar
Difficulty: intermediate
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                       M O U R N I N G   B E L O V E T H


                    A L L   H O P E   I S   P L E A D I N G

                           (c) Sentinel Records - 2000

                              Tune Down 1 & 1/2 Steps
                                  C# F# B E G# C#

                                 Tempo = 128 BPM
                               Time Signature = 6/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN

                                   Version 1.5
                     (Corrections Outlined at Bottom of Tab)

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 P.M...    -  Palm Mute
 p         -  Pull-Off
 h         -  Hammer-On
 S.H       -  Semi-Harmonic
 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space

Riff 1a: Guitar 1 with heavy distortion (Play 4 times)

||-----------9--7--9------10--9h 10--|---------------(7/10)---9h10p9--------|
||--7\      -------------------------|--7\          ------------------10----|

|--12------------12--10----9h   10--|--10--------7--9--(9/10)-----9--7h 9--|

|-----------9--7--9------10--9h 10--|----------------------------------|
|--7\      -------------------------|--7\          -(5/7)---9----10----|

|----------------------------------|------------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------|------------------------------------| |
|--10------------10----12----10----|--9--------9--10-------------10--9--| |
|----------------------------------|------------------------------------| |

On the last repeat, replace the last bar with the following:


Riff 1b: Guitar 2 with heavy distortion (Play once through)

||----------------R-           -|----------------R-           -|
||----------------E-           -|----------------E-           -|
||--(9\       2)--S-           -|--(9\       2)--S-           -|
||--(7\       2)--T-           -|--(7\       2)--T-           -|
||--(7\       0)----------------|--(7\       0)----------------|

|-------------------|-----------------------|----------------R-      -|
|-------------------|--4--------------------|----------------E-      -|
|--5----------------|--4--------------------|--(9\       2)--S-      -|
|--5----------------|--2----------------(2)/|--(7\       2)--T-      -|
|--3----------------|-----------------------|--(7\       0)-----------|

|----------------R-           -|-------------------|
|----------------E-           -|-------------------|
|--(9\       2)--S-           -|--5----------------|
|--(7\       2)--T-           -|--5----------------|
|--(7\       0)----------------|--3----------------|


Guitar 1 plays Riff 1a 3 times while guitar 2 plays Riff 2

Riff 2: Guitar 2 (Play 3 times)

||--9\      -----------------------|--9\          ------------------|
||--7\      -2--0--2------3--2--3--|--7\          -3----2h3p2-------|
||--7\      -----------------------|--7\          -------------3----|


|--9\      -----------------------|--9\          ----------------|
|--7\      -2--0--2------3--2--3--|--7\          -2----4----5----|
|--7\      -----------------------|--7\          -0----2----3----|

|--------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|--------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|--5------------5---(5/7)---5----|--4--------------3------2--------| |
|--3------------3---(3/5)---3----|--2--------2--3------------3--2--| |

Riff 3a: Guitar 1 (Play once through)

  1                               2
||---------------5-------(5)p 0--|--(5/ 7)----------(5/7)---9----10----|

 3                                        4
|--(9/10)   \  -7--5--7------7--(7/ 10)--|-------------------------------|

 5                                      6
|--7--------(7)\  -5------10---9h10p9--|--7------------(5/7)---9----10----|

 7                                        8
|--(9/10)-------7p 5--7------7--(7/ 10)--|-------------------------------|

 9                                 10
|-/7     p    0--5--------(5)p 0--|--(5/ 7)----------(5/7)---5h7-5--------|

 11                                12
|--8------------------8--(8/ 10)--|------------------7------------|

 13                                14
|-/7     p    0--5--------(5)p 0--|--(5/ 7)----------(5/7)---5h7-5--------|

 15                              16
|--8------------------8--8h 10--|------------------7------------|

 17                                      18
|--7----------(7/10)-10--9----7--9--10--|--7    p     0--(5/7)---9----10----|

 19                                       20
|--(9/10)-------7p 5--7------7--(7/ 10)--|-------------------------------|

 21                                   22
|--7--------7\  -5------10---9h10p9--|--7    p     0--(5/7)---9----10----|

 23                                       24
|--(9/10)-------7p 5--7------7--(7/ 10)--|----------------------------||

Riff 3b: Guitar 2 (Play 6 times)


|------------------------------|----------------------------| |
|------------------------------|----------------------------| |
|--3--------------3------------|--3------------2------------| |
|--1--------1--1--1------------|---------------0------------| |

Riff 4a: Guitar 1 (Play 2 times) [Time Signature = 4/4]

  1                    2                   3

 4                    5                      6
|--x--------x--------|-----------------2----|--(2/ 3)--2--0--2----0h 2--|

 7                         8                    9
|--3----------------------|---------------5 \--|--2--------2--------|

 10                  11                   12

 13                     14
|-----------------2----|--(2/ 3)--2--0--2----0h 2--|

 15                        16
|-------------------------|--------------------| |
|-------------------------|--------------------| |
|--3----------------------|--------------------| |
|-------------------------|--------------------| |

Riff 4b: Guitar 2 (Play 2 times)

  1                    2                   3
||--------------------|--2----------------|--4h 5--4--------2----|

 4                      5                   6
|--(2/ 5)-----7--------|--2----------------|--(2)-------------|

 7                   8                   9

 10                  11                     12
|--2----------------|--4h 5--4--------2----|--(2/ 5)------4--------|

 13                  14                 15

|-------------------| |
|-------------------| |
|--2----------------| |
|-------------------| |

Riff 5a: Guitar 1 (Play 2 times) [Time Signature = 6/4] [Tempo = 90 BPM]

        ..............     ...........    ..............     ..............


      .........    .........    .........

|-------------------------------------------------| |
|-------------------------------------------------| |
|--3--3-3-3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3---3-----5--5-5-----| |
|--1--1-1-1-1-1-1--1-1-1-1-1-1---1-0-0-3--3-3-3-3-| |
      .........    .........       ...        ...

Riff 5b: Guitar 2 (Play 10 times)

||--R-             -|--R-         ------------------|
||--E-             -|--E-         ------------------|
||--S-             -|--S-         -2---3---5---5--2-|
||--T-             -|--T-         -2---3---5---5--2-|

      .........    .........    .........

|-------------------------------------------------| |
|-------------------------------------------------| |
|--3--3-3-3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3---3-----5--5-5-----| |
|--1--1-1-1-1-1-1--1-1-1-1-1-1---1-0-0-3--3-3-3-3-| |
      .........    .........       ...        ...

NOTE: This riff is identicle to riff 5a, except the first two bars are played
as shown in riff 5b.  All subsequent repeats are to be played as riff 5a.

Riff 5c: Guitar 2 (Play once through)

*This riff begins after riff 5a finishes, and during riff 5b*

||------------------(9/ 10)--------(10)\-|

 2                                      3
|--7h 9----5h 7------------------------|----------------3------2-------|


 5                                       6
|------------------(9/ 10)--------(10)\-|--7h 9----5h 7------------------------|

 7                               8

 9                               10



 13                              14



 17                              18



 21                                      22
|------------------(9/ 10)--------(10)\-|--7h 9----5h 7------------------------|

 23                              24

Riff 6a: Guitar 1 (Play 4 times) [Time Signature = 8/4] [Tempo = 128 BPM]




|---------------------------------------------| |
|---------------------------------------------| |
|--5--------5----5--5-------------------------| |
|--3--------3----3--3-------------------------| |

Riff 6b: Guitar 2 (Play 4 times)




|------------------------------------------| |
|------------------------------------------| |
|--5------------------5--5--2--2--3--3--2--| |
|--3------------------3--3--0--0--1--1--0--| |

Guitars 1 and 2 play riffs 4a and 4b respectively, 1 and 1/2 times

Riff 7a: Guitar 1 (Play 8 times) [Tempo = 60 BPM]


|----------------------| |
|----------------------| |
|----------------------| |
|----------------------| |

After the first repeat, replace the first bar with the following:


After all repeats, end the song on the following:


Riff 7b: Guitar 2 (Play 8 times)


|----------------------| |
|----------------------| |
|----------------------| |
|----------------------| |

After the first repeat, replace the first bar with the following:


After all repeats, end the song on the following:


Lead Riff 1: Guitar 3 with heavy distortion (Play once through)

[ Rest for 2 bars before playing ]

  1                           2                     3
||--0--2--4--5----4---2-2h 4-|--2--------0---------|-------------------|

 4                   5                           6
|-------------------|--0--2--4--5----4---2-2h 4-|--2--------4----2----|

 7                                8
|--4p 2-4--2-4----4-5-4-0--2--4--|--5------5--4----2----|

 9                              10
|----4-----4----4-5-4-0--2--4--|--5------5h 7-4----5----|

 11                               12
|--4p 2-4----4----4-5-4-0--2--4--|--5------7--4----5----|

 13                            14

 15                               16
|----4----4--2-4-5-4-2h 4--2--4--|--5--------4----5----|

 17                            18

 19                            20

 21                            22

 23                            24

 25                            26

 27                            28

 29                            30                     31


Tab summary:        Riff 1a x 4 + Riff 1b x 1
                    Riff 1a + Riff 2 x 3
                    Riff 3a x 1 + Riff 3b x 6
                    Riff 4a + Riff 4b x 2
                    Riff 5a x 2 + Riff 5b x 10 + Riff 5c x 1
                    Riff 6a + Riff 6b x 4
                    Riff 4a + Riff 4b x 1 & 1/2
                    Riff 7a + Riff 7b + Lead Riff 1 x 1


Corrections (11/12/06):

* Corrected Riff 1b

Corrections (21/11/06):

* Corrected Riff 3b

Corrections (01/11/06):

* Corrected Riffs 4a & 4b
* Corrected Riffs 7a & 7b
* Corrected Lead Riff 1
* Minor adjustments to layout

Corrections (29/10/05):

* Minor adjustments to layout
* Fixed rests

Corrections (06/10/05):

* Corrected palm mute in bar 1 of riff 6b

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song: all hope is pleading guitar tabs by mourning beloveth