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Info About This Tab
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Tab Type: Bass
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All Along the Watchtower (a la Hendrix) Bass Guitar part
Words/Music by Bob Dylan
Transcribed to tab by
Dave Crowson London,Uk September 1994
(as played by Noel Redding)

Tune down 1/2 step i.e. Eb Ab Db Gb  4/4 time moderate rock.

(Note , there are no clues as to note timing, so you'll have to figure
that one out yourself;-) Alos this is a straight ASCII file so prop. fonts will
make it look untidy.






1st Verse







Guitar solo 1




2nd Verse








Guitar solo 2
















3rd Verse














                       Fade Out

Key :
/ slide up to note
\ slide down to note
x muted percussive tone
___ hammer on /pull off
x/y  legato slide

David Crowson   =%^)   |"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go.
Oracle Consultant      | I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to
(since 1983)           | move, to get down off this featherbed of civilisation
Amoco Exploration UK.  | and to find the globe granite underneath and strewn
"My views not Amoex's" | with cutting flints" : Robert Louis Stevenson
Replies : igotan@ombomb.demon.co.uk or weirdguy@cix.compulink.co.uk

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song: all along the watchtower bass tabs by jimi hendrix